Monday, July 11, 2011

The Pilot

Sometimes a gentleman, at an advanced and comfortable stage of life, wants nothing more than to enjoy a fine cigar and a snifter of brandy over the course of his prix fix, in this case Quizno's $5 menu, only to find that this desire, expressed so strongly by the more noble and less beastly fathers of this country (I tip my hat to you, John Adams) is forbidden by the petty laws of his municipality and finds himself, as it were, extracted from the premises. Oh, my sandwich was fine; I forwent the prix fix in favor of the more stately a la carte menu-- me loves the double cheese chessesteak, dipped in vinaigrette (spiked, of course, by my prized portable bottle of Lafite).  I adore the way the grease lingers on the wrapper, the passionate tango of the melted provolone and sauteed onions, the fact I'm just a pinch bellow "full" and so tantalized by the prospect of potato crisps (the very memory of the incessant crinkling of the Sun Chip bag still rattles me prematurely from my slumber and so I will abstain, dear Ruth, fair Quizno's team member, oh I will abstain) following my meal. The lust for life! The indigestion! But if I'm to accept this sort of treatment as par for the course, then to St. Andrew's I shall return. Can't smoke a cigar or drink a brandy. For shame!

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